

    Our Services


    Access US

    Employees working in the United States for a non-US-owned company.
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    Short Term Traveler

    Employees who travel outside their home country for less than 6 months at a time.
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    Expat / Inpat

    Employees working and residing outside their home country for more than 6 months

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    The world of foreign business is booming. Are you ready with the right international health insurance plans?

    More and more companies are broadening their market reach by going global. As they enter this new territory, they want to ensure that the health of their key assets – their people – is well protected.

    A specialist in global health insurance plans, Total Benefit Solutions (TBS) offers comprehensive health and medical plans to protect groups of international assignees at every level.

    Why work with Total Benefit Solutions?

    TBS works closely with you to identify your clients’ needs, and to ensure you have the right insurance products and unparalleled support to build your business in the global health plan market.

    You can rely on us for the following:

    • Sales materials and education about global insurance plan coverage options
    • Market insights and analytical data to keep you up to date
    • When processing a sold case, we will prepare all forms and paperwork necessary for the carrier to underwrite the risk
    • We will guide you through the sales and group installation process
    • We can help you distinguish your business from other producers through best-in-class, and robust global products
    • We can assist you in reaching out to a new base of employers who are making inroads into international markets

    If you are an established producer, in the US or elsewhere, with multinational employers, we can help you expand your business.

    Ask us about our international health insurance plans today.